200 Watt Homebuilt Wind Turbine

Recently, I've become pretty interested in figuring out ways to reduce my energy costs (and energy footprint). I'm not a radical environmentalist or anything, but it doesn't hurt to know that you can still watch The Colbert Report when the world's oil dries up and all of the rich people move to Mars. So, I did some research and some playing around. Eventually, I had this finished wind turbine that can produce enough electricity for me to use my laptop, lights, or TV anytime and anywhere I want for free! They are pretty easy to build using relatively common parts (a DC permanent magnet motor, a diode, and some PVC pipe), and I'll show you how to do it.

Analog Sequencer/Modular Synthesizer

Coming soon...

Java Roguelike MMORPG

Coming soon...

Java Barcode Scanner

Coming soon...

Statistical Web Page Content Extractor

Coming soon...

"Bad Translationizer"

Ever wanted to create your own terrible language translations like you see so much every day in user manuals and video games? Ever wanted to write your own "Dear Friend" scam letters but weren't creative enough? Me too! So, I wrote this nifty little script to do all of the dirty work for you. Make sure and try it multiple times, as the algorithm randomizes the translations. You can get the Perl code here.